1. Animals commit suicide
This is a controversial issue, but there are several documented instances of animals intentionally ending their own lives. If they do experience psychological pain, depression and sadness, especially when their partner dies or when life seems hard. Why won’t they?
Some ethologists who studied brainy animals, like mammals present an increasing number of cases with link to self-conscience, proving that animals are capable of committing suicide when they lose someone close to them. Is this for real? There are so many instances that make one marvel. Such as that of 28 suicidal cows that leaped off a cliff in the Alps; and Jatinga, India, where hundreds of birds from several species dive into the ground to kill themselves every year. Is this really a casual act?
More instance, exploding ants possess the ability to explode themselves at will when threatened. In a slightly different manner, worker ants put their lives at risk for the good of the colony.
In subsequent posts, i will be elaborating on each of the animal and issued raised here. Subscribe now to be notified.
National Geographic – Animal Behavior
Indian purple frog – SD Biju, University of Delhi.
Yawning Orangutan – Getty Image
Such an interesting article Moses! That frog is pretty wild looking we must say. The facts about the cows being drawn to the magnetic fields and the crows being vindictive really don’t surprise us much as they cows seem smarter than we think and crows have always given us the creeps so that makes sense. Haha! The statement about the suicidal animals is just so sad. Shared this on Google+ for you and thank you for sharing such interesting, valuable information.
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