3. Cows everywhere face North or South while eating.
Have you ever noticed anything strange about cows when they eat? Some German scientists found out that all cows everywhere face north or south while eating; the evidence was proved via some satellite photos of cows they took while using the high tech wonder-software known as “Google Earth.”
So, animal can also detect the planet’s magnetic fields.
2. Animals show Empathy
Just like human, animals like mice, dog and chimp might be inclined to yawn if they see a pal yawning or in danger.
Several research on empathy in animals show that, mice also feel fear if they see pal in danger. This indicates that an animal is not putting its needs above the interest of others.
Such an interesting article Moses! That frog is pretty wild looking we must say. The facts about the cows being drawn to the magnetic fields and the crows being vindictive really don’t surprise us much as they cows seem smarter than we think and crows have always given us the creeps so that makes sense. Haha! The statement about the suicidal animals is just so sad. Shared this on Google+ for you and thank you for sharing such interesting, valuable information.
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