5 Strange Behaviors of some Animals

4.   Crows revenge and hold grudges

A research conducted by scientists at the University of Washington shows that, crows have an uncanny ability to recognizeCrow faces and to publicize to let their community know who’s a threat.

While trapping crows for research. they noticed that the birds began harassing them whenever they stepped out of the office, not minding how often they change their clothes. To further ascertain what was really going on; they put on different masks as they continue trapping the birds. But the birds wouldn’t leave them alone when they walk around campus later wearing the same masks. One of the researchers even put on a mask used five years ago for trapping, surprisingy, the birds descended on him. Does that mean the older ones successfully spread the warning of which faces were good and bad?

2 thoughts on “5 Strange Behaviors of some Animals”

  1. Such an interesting article Moses! That frog is pretty wild looking we must say. The facts about the cows being drawn to the magnetic fields and the crows being vindictive really don’t surprise us much as they cows seem smarter than we think and crows have always given us the creeps so that makes sense. Haha! The statement about the suicidal animals is just so sad. Shared this on Google+ for you and thank you for sharing such interesting, valuable information.

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