5. Purple Frog Seduces Females From Underground
The Indian purple frog, also known as the pig-nosed frog with a chubby, purple body and pointed, piglike snout; spends most of the year underground. With the help of it’s short, stout limbs like spades; the animal dig as far as 12 feet (3.7 meters) below ground.
According to scientists from India’s University of Delhi and the University of Minnesota; the males call out from underground beneath a thin layer of dirt near the entrance of narrow tunnels filled with loose soil after heavy downpour, to attracts females when they emerge for a brief period during the monsoon season to mate.
When males call, they contract their muscles and inflate and deflate their vocal sacs, making sounds in short, rapidly repeating pulses.
Such an interesting article Moses! That frog is pretty wild looking we must say. The facts about the cows being drawn to the magnetic fields and the crows being vindictive really don’t surprise us much as they cows seem smarter than we think and crows have always given us the creeps so that makes sense. Haha! The statement about the suicidal animals is just so sad. Shared this on Google+ for you and thank you for sharing such interesting, valuable information.
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