5 Strange Behaviors of some Animals

Amazing and scary things make the news everyday, from humans and non-humans; though, we aren’t that much surprised or scared. Just because we’ve come to know that, we are stuck in a bizarre planet. Animals like their humans counterparts exhibit some strange behaviors, either learnt or genetically present.

Animals exhibit a lot of strange behaviors, ranging from the simpler to the creepy ones. With the help of the ethologists who have successfully studied the evolutionary basis and development of animals, we’ve been able to tap knowledge of some of the innate behaviors of notable animals. We’ve heard about the nasty cat, sheep with the amazing ability to attract Scotsmen, dogs predicting death, flying fish e.t.c.

But, note that everything you’ve seen, heard or learnt about are just a tip of the iceberg. Because, some new discoveries are here to send shivers down your spine.

2 thoughts on “5 Strange Behaviors of some Animals”

  1. Such an interesting article Moses! That frog is pretty wild looking we must say. The facts about the cows being drawn to the magnetic fields and the crows being vindictive really don’t surprise us much as they cows seem smarter than we think and crows have always given us the creeps so that makes sense. Haha! The statement about the suicidal animals is just so sad. Shared this on Google+ for you and thank you for sharing such interesting, valuable information.

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