Choosing a mate based on DNA alone may not be the best way to create a long term relationship.
This article is in series with How to live the Empowered Life.
What happens in many relationships is that after about seven years or so with the “right” DNA, a woman discovers that it takes more than love and beautiful children to make the marriage work. Fights begin to surface centered on money, parenting and schooling for their beautiful children. She complains, “I feel trapped and unfulfilled. There isn’t enough money and I have to work; and I need to spend more time with the children.” It is then she starts looking, often unconsciously, for alternatives.
One option for women is to settle for the relationship that she has, but this action often leaves her yearning for something more, having an affair, or getting a divorce. Early on, this yearning is often expressed as: “I just want someone to love me.” Or, “I know he loves me in his own way, but I just don’t feel loved; the passion has gone out of our marriage. I guess it is just time to settle and be thankful for what I’ve got.”
Have you ever wondered why women cry at weddings? I believe that some of these women are mourning the loss of their dream. They are remembering, with disappointment, how they thought their own marriage was going to turn out!