Why Smartphone May Ruin Your Relationship

Your Intimate Relationship is about to power down – according to a new research published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

According to the researchers:

In the research conducted to ascertain how often “technoference” occurs in relationships. The research was first conducted on 143 women in committed relationships, 74 percent of them felt that smartphones were interfering with their love life and lowering the amount of quality time spent with their partner.

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In another,  62 percent of women surveyed said that technology interfered with time spent together, while another 35 percent said their partner looked at a cell phone mid-conversation. Finally, some said their partner would text during face-to-face conversations.

So, how can this be cob?

According to Brandon McDaniel, co-leader of the project and doctoral study at Penn State:

The answer’s not simply to ban technology in a relationship, “It’s not realistic.”

But, i believe, Turning it off while having serious conversation will help. Since technology doesn’t have to tear us a part.

2 thoughts on “Why Smartphone May Ruin Your Relationship”

  1. Hello Moses Chukwu,

    What a research! Everyone must think about deeply whether smartphone destroying the relationship or not. I think giving proper & quality time will make a life happy.

    Thanks for sharing such research article 🙂

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