5 Photos Showing Secret Dual Lives of People Living With Mental Illness

We discuss how they want to be portrayed, what they do when they are depressed and how they want to be seen in the world, Liz said.

Liz 5


8 thoughts on “5 Photos Showing Secret Dual Lives of People Living With Mental Illness”

  1. unfortunately I can’t actually enlarge these images nor read the text below. sort of bad, yeah? I think that’s pretty clutch with this article.

      1. Still can’t enlarge your photos… Would be good of you to post a followup article and link it here. Would also be good for you to include more detail in your postings.

  2. Love the article and photos. I’m a photographer with depression and anxiety disorders. I started The Faces of Depression non-profit to raise awareness about the stigmas that come with mental illness.

    Would love to collaborate.

    1. You are highly welcome Lee. Thanks for being also in the race for the awareness. The editor would love to partner with you on this course. Kindly visit our contact page for how to write to us directly. Thanks i as await your reply.

  3. Nice way to show the real world of depression. …. it’s amazing how many are managing to act in the real world….. in order to be normal…. will love to read more of these conditions and see if I can help others…. as I see here I found a friend of mine suffering of depression and I will love to help hem…. I just don’t know how to…..

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