The Area Agency on Aging provides coordinated variety of services and opportunities for the elderly populations.
The services are aimed at letting the seniors live productive and dignified lives.
Everyone has the right to receive the care they need in the settings they prefer – thus, the establishment of the Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965. This acts paved way for the creation of a nationwide network of Area Agency on Aging (AAAs).
This network of 622 agencies covers federal, state and local levels – serving every region in the U.S.
Under the Older American Act, all the ‘Area Agencies on Aging’ receive federal funding.
Read also: How to Cope With Premature Aging
One of the major services of the Area Agency on Aging, is to provide one-on-one assistance to the seniors, and to the family caregivers, to help access and understand the rights of the elderly ones (60+) to public benefits, like Medicare.
Across states and counties – each area agency on aging provides different services for the seniors, in addition to the basic ones shared below.
Area Agency on Aging’s Services include:
Ombudsman services i.e. advocating long term care rights, and investigating complaints.
Providing Health and wellness information.
Adult Day Care.
Legal/Benefits Counseling, such as helping seniors understand the benefits of their insurance e.g. Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, Social Security.
Emergency response systems.
Medical Transportation.
Homemaker Services.
Enrollment assistance.
Chore Maintenance (Lawns & House cleaning).
Nutrition services including counseling, home delivered and congregate meals.
Caregiver Support – to provide respite care, and trainings to caregivers of seniors.
Visit the National Directory of Area Agencies on Aging to find your area agency on Aging.