5 Examples of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapy

ABA Therapy Examples

Applied behavior analysis (ABA therapy) is a scientific approach, which involves using behavioral principles to modify behavior i.e. increase or decrease target behaviors. Many ABA therapy examples are being utilized as systematic interventions in various settings, such as schools, hospitals, and homes.

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ABA therapy (Applied behavior analysis), which is based on an application of learning principles, is one of the most common and evidence-based methods used to treat Autism.

Since its emergence, the use of the ABA therapy examples in this article have been actively employed by mental health experts, to address a range of mental health conditions, including autism, brain injuries and learning difficulties.

These ABA therapy examples are employed, in order to produce positive and meaningful changes in behavior.

The main focus of Applied behavior analysis (ABA therapy), is to teach and make it possible for kids to learn naturally i.e. If they could learn on their own without any assistance in the first place, they wouldn’t have autism!.

ABA therapy examples that may be used include:


This ABA therapy which is based on social learning theory involves the use of models to demonstrate a particular behavior to be acquired or changed by a kid.

This ABA therapy example may include having target behaviors recorded on videos and shown to the subjects i.e. the kids.

Adults and peers can also be used to model target behaviors.


Behaviorists believe when certain behaviors that we desire, are followed by reinforcing stimuli, they are more likely to increase over time.

In positive reinforcement, desired items or activities are to be presented. While in negative reinforcement, to increase the target behavior – an undesired (aversive) stimulus, is to be removed consistently over time.

So, in this ABA therapy example, behavior is modified by reinforcing a series of behaviors to help achieve the targeted behaviors.

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Applied behavior analyst gives the needed guidance, in order to get the kid bring forth desired response.

In this therapy, if a child has difficulty performing certain task, the therapist or parent might provide an instructional prompt, to guide the child towards giving the correct response.

In summary, most of the applied behavior analysis strategies so far explained are naturalistic – that is, they are natural learning ABA therapy examples. They help modify the kid’s behavior, using events that are common to them in their natural environment. Other ABA therapy examples are discrete trial training, and pivotal response treatment.

Read also: 5 Common Mental Health Disorders in Children

References & Further Reading.
Sharf, Richard S. "Behavior Therapy." In Theories of Psychotherapy and Counseling: Concepts and Cases. 2nd ed. Stamford: Thomson Learning, 2000.

Applied Behavior Analysis: Definition & Techniques - Study.com

Axelrod, S., McElrath, K. K., & Wine, B. (2012). Applied behavior analysis: Autism and beyond.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) - GoodTherapy

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