6 Ways to Get Started with Meditation

To make meditation more enjoyable and successful, either in your office, room or open place; Meditation 2keep off anything that would likely disturb you. If there is a need to put on music, put on the calm gentle ones. But, never let them dominate your thoughts.

Choose a Convenient Time

Meditation should be done at your convenience. Choose a time i.e. your leisure time, when you are not likely to be disturbed.

Sit in a Comfortable position

With your spine erect, sit tall and straight. Choose a posture that allows you to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed. It is advisable you have a normal posture while meditating, because it really does make a difference. So, the basic thing is just to be comfortable.

Take a deep breath

This stabilizes and gives you steady rhythm of the breath as your mind is being ushered into a peaceful meditative state.

A gentle Smile

This keeps you relaxed, peaceful and enhances your meditation.

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Close your eyes

Though performing meditation with eyes wide open is never a bad option. But, to keep you off any form of distraction (external visual stimulation); especially, for the beginners. It is recommended that you close your eyes.

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