5 Tips that Guaranty Happiness From Mental Health Experts

Happiness is that common goal or by-product we all crave for. But, realizing this daily aim is a bit more unattainable for majority, especially for those living with mental illness.

Some mental health experts tabled down the following tips from experiences, what they know would make us feel better if we stick fast to them.

Desist from using “Should” in your vocabulary.

“When we use the word ‘should,’ it’s like this big, judgmental finger wagging at yourself. ‘I should work out more, I should be happier, I should be more grateful.’ It causes us to feel guilt and shame. It depletes our happiness. It causes us to engage in behaviors that are completely against what we want.

Instead, replace ‘should’ with ‘I would like.’ For example, ‘I’d like to lose weight, because I want to have more energy and be a role model.’ That is more motivational, it’s more based on passion rather than the fear and judgment of ourselves that prevents us from being the people that we want to be.”

Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., clinical psychologist.

Stop checking Smartphone constantly.

Being phone less will make most people happier and less stressed. And as supported by a study of college students at Kent State University, people who check their phones frequently tend to experience higher levels of distress during their leisure time (when they intend to relax!), Christine Carter, Ph.D., happiness expert at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center told buzzfeed.

The expert added that, Instead of willing ourselves to just check less often, we can configure our devices and work time so that we are tempted less often.

Control how you respond to life issues.

“We cannot control everything that happens to us in life, but we can choose how we respond. When we respond with an attitude of ‘Why is this happening to me?’ and adopt a victim mentality, we suffer. When we choose to respond with an attitude of ‘Why is this happening for me and what can I learn?’ then we feel a lot more empowered, which impacts our mental state positively.

The biggest misconception about happiness is that we can outsource it — that something external is going to make us happy. Happiness is NOT a constant state. As humans we experience and grow through a variety of emotions. The expectation that we should be happy all the time will leave anyone with an expectation hangover. What we can be is grateful.”

Christine Hassler, empowerment coach.

Never capitalize on bad thoughts.

“Sadly, many people make the mistake of believing the negative things that their ‘inner voice’ tells them, often without even being aware of their right to question whether these things are accurate! When it comes to mental health care, many people still think you will need to spend years exploring your childhood or past in order to get better. That’s simply not the case nowadays. Catch, challenge, and change negative thoughts.”

Simon Rego, Psy.D., director of psychology training at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

Visit Therapist.

“There is a stereotype that many people have about the unique person who chooses to see a therapist. ‘They must be an emotional wreck,’ or ‘they can’t take care of their own problems,’ or ‘they must be crazy.’ That last one is probably the most popular and worst misconception of them all!

It takes a lot of insight and emotional awareness to realize that you want to enlist the services of a trained mental health therapist to get the right help you need. Yes, there are some clients who seek therapy when they are at the absolute lowest emotional point in their lives, but there are also just as many who simply want to become emotionally healthier people to enhance their work and intimate relationships. No problem is too small or large when you come to see one of us. It’s all welcomed because our job is to meet you where you are at in life, not where we or anyone else thinks you should be.”

Gabriela Parra, LCSW, California-based counselor

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