Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
As an inversion, this pose places the head below the heart and encourages the lymph fluid to drain back to the heart via gravity.
Place the short edge of the yoga mat, if you’re using one, against a wall. Place a folded blanket or bolster on the mat next to the wall. Sit sideways to the wall, on the bolster or blanket, with the hands behind you. Shift the forearms onto the yoga mat and extend the legs up the wall. Allow the hips to sink into the bolster or blanket, the legs to rest against the wall, the eyes to close, and the face to relax. Remain in this position five to 15 minutes.
To release, gently draw your knees into your chest and roll to one side.
While we can’t always prevent stressful situations and harmful toxins from entering our systems, we can support the body’s natural detoxifying process through the age-old practice of yoga.
Credit: Northwestpharmacy