3 Mental Health First Aid Kits you probably don’t make use of

First Aid is not only limited to cut, falling sick or to help relief certain pain; but can also be an intervention move to help people deal with mental health issues before it develops to full grown disorder.

Many often put First Aid kits readily available to their reach: in the car, wallet etc. Its strongly advised to also adopt the culture of having Mental health first aid kits in our reach, either for our trauma related stress or to assist someone who may be in the early stage of developing a mental health problem.

You can help yourself out with the following kits, and as well be able to help in crisis, prevent mental illness and raising the awareness on mental health issues.

Gratitude Diary

This journal contains writings about yourself i.e. documentations of things you are grateful for. Gratitude Diary will help you feel good and rescue you out whenever stress or the likes ushers

you into bad mood. Acknowledging how good you are, showing gratitude and appreciation for your previous achievements can put end to any signs of depression or any other disorders and put you back in control.


Like i always mention, Yoga is a good tool for meditation. Yoga helps me get off some unwanted thoughts, quiet my mind and also calm my emotions.

Yoga doesn’t cost you much; just to sit for some minutes, guide your mind and never to be stressed by what happens around you.

Read also: 3 Yoga Poses to cleanse your body – Yoga for Detoxification


You need not to be told the power of Music. Create for yourself a powerful playlist to help restore you to normal whenever you are down.

I recently wrote on how hip hop can help cure Mental Illness, a research which indeed proved beyond reasonable doubt, the healing power of music. You can start the culture today, by getting your favourite artists or tracks in a playlist to be played anytime you feel something strange.

Read also: 4 Ways Music Affects the Mind

2 thoughts on “3 Mental Health First Aid Kits you probably don’t make use of”

  1. This is also helpful. In my understanding, PFA (psychological first aid) is usually provided after traumatic events. A disaster occurs, and victims are struck with devastation, due to the abrupt loss of their possessions, and this therefore requires PFA to curb full-blown mental illness. What is stated in this article is great for those seeking to improve their healing process.

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