When you just have a tough day, or it seems to you that happiness and well-being have so far been neglecting you. It’s good to remind yourself of some life’s simple pleasures. Making out time to enjoy them can help lift your spirit.
You can actually get back the happy moment you wanted, by creating for yourself the following life pleasures:
- Going to sleep while listening to the rain spattering on the windows.
- The moment you see the waiter/waitress approaching with your food.
- Unexpected windfalls: When you finds money you didn’t know you had in your pocket.
- Walking on a windy day.
- Watching your children as they sleep.
- Getting done with something you really dread doing.
- Giving your employer a-week notice, as you are about quitting the job you hate.
- Making a comment that draws a lot of laughs.
- Dancing and singing to a music while driving.
- Seeing others wondering the same thing as you i.e. seeing google completing your words for you while entering your question.
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